New Cangle Community Primary School

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Art and Design



Art & Design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. At New Cangle, we believe that Art & Design is a vital part of children’s education and it has a significant and valuable role in our curriculum.

Our Art & Design teaching and learning is based on the Cornerstones curriculum, encouraging cross-curricular links within each year group’s topics.

Knowledge, skills and understanding are progressively built upon within each of the 3 learning areas: drawing, painting and sculpture. The study of key artists in each unit helps children develop the vocabulary and knowledge to discuss artworks, as well as appreciate how ideas have changed over the history of art.

Our students are encouraged to enjoy looking at artwork and develop questions and opinions on the works of others by drawing on their own practice. They use sketchbooks as a place to learn, practise and record their ideas as they progress on their own artistic journey.

More detail on our Art & Design curriculum can be found in these documents Art & Design Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement and Art and Design Progression Map

Art & Design is led by